Ideal for homes with a variety of applications like drinking water, filling water tanks, and sprinkler irrigation. The centrifugal booster pump that varies its speed and power based on your demand for water at the exact pressure you select from 10 to 70 psi, and up to 50GPM. Plug in to any 220V power source, use any minimum 15 Amp Double Pole (220V) Outlet. MAX 15’ suction from a pond or shallow well with foot valve.
Thinking about using this for a household application? Usually each appliance uses 3-5 gallons per minute. If you estimate for highest use case, an example might include shower (5 GPM ) + dishwasher (5 GPM) + faucet (3 GPM) + washing machine (5 GPM) = 18 GPM total, if all running at the same time. Refer to the below chart to compare how the 3HP Eco-Steady easily handles high water demands at different pressure (psi)!
✅ NSF Drinking Water and UL Compliant
Operates best suctioning water out of source like well, river, pond or tank. No external pressure tank required, as the Eco-Steady Booster Series creates pressure on its own!
No more pressure tanks necessary.
No more leaky diaphragm pumps.
No more brushed motors.
No more low flow.
No more weak sprinklers.
No more loud surface pumps.
No more limits to your water.